Recruiting a student is expensive, making retention critical
“In many cases, 1 in 3 first-year students or more won't make it back for sophomore year. The reasons run the gamut from family problems and loneliness to academic struggles and a lack of money.” US News

Yellowdig Connect is designed to help students ~ connect ~ with their peers in low-barrier yet meaningful ways, which fosters a sense of community and belonging.
Yellowdig also enables students to find classmates to work through course challenges together.
Yellowdig Connect
I really like this tool for community building. We used it as an orientation tool for our very first course at this University and it helped us be less anxious, befriend our classmates, and talk about our school and work lives in a comfortable environment.
Anonymous Student
Arizona State University
Yellowdig Connect communities boost organic student engagement and drive meaningful results for our client partners.
A higher sense of belonging
Decreased melt
Increased first term retention
Yellowdig allowed me to share my thoughts and ideas without being judged or discriminated against. I have made connections with peers on Yellowdig that I have never met in real life, yet it feels as if I know them.
Alejandro A.
Northern Illinois University
What's included?

Online Education Services
OES's partner institution implemented Yellowdig in the early student lifecycle as a welcome-style community. Read more.
7% increase in first-term retention
This means, 7% more students moved past census dates resulting in real tuition revenue.

Estimated $144k in first-year revenue realization per 1k students
In just the first term, this results in around $144k in first-term tuition recovery per 1k students that pass through Yellowdig lifecycle communities.
As these students then progress to 2nd, 3rd terms, the LTV across your student body is much higher.