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Are you fully utilizing Yellowdig? Be sure you’re taking advantage of these product updates!

As a new semester rolls around, we wanted to make sure you are fully aware of the many advancements in Yellowdig that you may have missed. We encourage you to explore the top 7 releases that could impact how you use Yellowdig below. Be sure to keep an eye on the “gift box” icon in Yellowdig to learn more about recent releases—we have a handful in store that you won’t want to miss!

Highlight New Content

This new feature is designed to keep you updated on interactions in your Yellowdig community and to stay abreast of new content. With visual indicators for new community engagement since your last visit, you won't miss out on any important conversations or updates.

See clear visual indicators on:

  • New content since your last visit.

  • New content directed to you (replies and mentions).

  • New content you have not viewed yet.

Auto-Captioning for Videos

Here's what you should know about the Video Auto-Captions feature:

  • Quality and Accuracy: Utilizes state-of-the-art speech-to-text technology to provide accurate captions in various languages.

  • Platform-Agnostic: Available on both desktop and mobile to ensure everyone can benefit, regardless of their device.

  • User-Controlled: Users have the full freedom to display them at will.

  • Editing: Users can easily edit captions and their corresponding timestamps for maximum accuracy.

LMS Course Roster Management

Why is this update important?

A synced roster ensures that everyone enrolled in your LMS course is also engaged in your Yellowdig Community. This new feature reduces the need for manual checking, letting you quickly identify and bridge any gaps between your course and community rosters, ensuring no learner is left behind. Additionally, you’ll be able to easily remove members from your community who are no longer enrolled in your LMS course.

 The new feature:

Here's what you can do with the LMS Course Roster Management feature:

  • Identify any learners enrolled in your LMS course who have not yet joined the Yellowdig Community, and whom you may wish to encourage to join.

  • Identify any learners in your Yellowdig Community who are not listed in your LMS course, with an option to remove those learners from your Community at the click of a button.

Visit our Knowledge Base for a step-by-step guide on utilizing this feature. The new feature will be available to you and your learners in all LTI 1.3 communities. 

Enhanced Gamification for Points Earning Rules (Minimum Character and Points for Videos)

Why is this update important?

We believe that active engagement drives the best learning outcomes. By expanding the Points Earning Rules, we aim to give our learners additional incentives to participate and contribute meaningfully to their community. This update empowers point earning from shorter interactions, to create more in-depth, back-and-forth conversations, and encourages more multimedia sharing (e.g videos).

Earn points for every post and comment, regardless of its length or content:

We believe that every contribution matters. With this update, learners can earn a smaller number of points for every post and comment they create without reaching a text-length goal.  Then get more points when they dig deeper. Whether sharing a brief thought or diving into a deep discussion, they can be rewarded for their engagement.

Earn points for adding a video:

We know videos are a powerful way to express ideas and create engagement with others. 

Earn points for reaching a character-based text length goal:

Until now, the minimum text requirement could only be set to count words. With this update, this rule can count characters instead. This will be highly beneficial for communities using character-based languages and makes Yellowdig more useful for language courses and other international use cases.

Improved Points Tracking

With this enhancement, learners will now have a clear view and understanding of any points adjustments made to their content by reflecting these in their Points Log.

Accommodating Breaks and Community Extensions

Have you taken advantage of the “Merge Periods” feature? Use it to accommodate break periods, community extensions, and more.

Use cases:

More Big Updates Coming Soon

Stay tuned for other big updates as we continue to enhance your experience with our upcoming features, including a new and improved editor and an Archive community feature!

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