> Community owners and admins may now share quick and easy access to their Community via the new Shareable Links feature. Links may now be created on the Share page and given a custom name or a randomly generated name. Shareable links can be disabled at any time.

> Note: The Shareable Links feature was designed to give students and instructors quick and easy access to curricular and co-curricular Communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Potential use cases include:
Support communities for instructors who are teaching online for the first time.
Pre-enrollment and freshman orientation communities. (Link sharing provides quick access for students who do not yet have university email addresses or Learning Management System accounts.)
Co-curricular interest groups.
Alumni organizations.
Corporate learning programs.
Hybrid or HyFlex classes that have not been (or cannot be) integrated into a Learning Management System. (Note: Inviting students to curricular communities by email is preferable whenever possible.)
> Added confetti animation which triggers upon joining a Community through a shared link.
> Polished email verification system.
Bug Fixes
> Fixed pagination issues on Notifications page.
> Fixed issues with duplicate group membership.
> Fixed issues with redirection after login.
> Reach out to us at clientsuccess@yellowdig.com.
Brian Hurlow is the Director of Technology at Yellowdig.