Teaching & Learning Library
A selection of resources specifically for teaching & learning professionals and instructional designers
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Yellowdig is a digital solution that impacts the entire student lifecycle and enables rich community experiences for all students. Yellowdig isn’t just a message board, it is an extension of the classroom. Yellowdig sparks meaningful conversations while tracking progress, freeing up faculty from grading. This assistance allows them to spend their time being a helpful “guide on the side” and interacting with students. Ultimately, students learn more and both students and instructors enjoy taking part.
Below is a list of resources about Yellowdig's efficacy:
Relevant Resources
Getting Started
Although Yellowdig is simple to configure and use, understanding how it works is important to maximizing student learning and ensuring a good student experience. The achieve both it is easy to follow our highly recommended best practices, implement a well-configured point system, and provide good modeling for students.
Below are some resources that will help you communicate about these with instructors:
Onboarding Guide
Prior to actually setting up communities, we highly encourage you and your instructors to take our Instructor Certification Course. We also have a sample of recommended articles for new instructors. Finally, there is a link to a sample onboarding guide that you can use as a real-life example template.
Helping instructors get started on the right foot is super important, so share these and please feel free to borrow liberally from any of them to help create your own guide!
We highly value the teaching & learning professionals and instructors using the platform and want to continue to cater to your needs in the best ways possible. We would like to partner to conduct case studies, do research, or simply get feedback to improve the platform. In short, we want to make it everyone’s favorite teaching and learning tool. [space] Come meet us at an upcoming event, introduce yourself in our Yellowdig Instructor Support Community, or if you have any feedback, including things we can add to this site, please reach out: